免费追书 > 科幻小说 > 我在美漫世界有一个女神 > 第070章 我的品位真棒

第070章 我的品位真棒




“这里是位于5点钟的45号M1A2 SEP主战坦克,CO2激光测距仪确认完毕!测距1077米,CITV车长独立热像仪己锁定目标!3秒后发射轮数为贫轴弹-高爆弹-破甲弹!”

“This is Challenger 1 main battle tank at 6 o'clock. Laser rangefinder is finished! Range 927! Laser! After 1.8 seconds, according to the order from the armor piercing poor axis projectile to the armor piercing high explosive projectile - armor piercing poor axis projectile, three times of shelling will be carried out in turn!”


“This is Challenger 60 main battle tank at 7 o'clock. Laser rangefinder is finished! Ranging 1077 meters, laser aiming to lock the target! After 1.8 seconds, according to the order from the armor piercing poor axis projectile to the armor piercing high explosive projectile - armor piercing poor axis projectile, three times of shelling will be carried out in turn





在三轮炮击后,45辆M1A2 SEP、60辆挑战者2主战坦克立刻进行机动,以便随时准备进行第二次炮击。 记住网址www.mianfeizhuishu.com

